Join New York Time’s Best Selling Author
Laura Munson
Haven Writing Retreat
“While the wilderness of Montana holds the space for inspiration…I hold the space for my retreaters to step into the wilderness of their writing– in the nurturing, safe setting of the gorgeous Dancing Spirit Ranch. No matter where you are in your writing journey, I want you to return home feeling inspired, with clearer intention, deeper commitment, a renewed permission to play on the page, and create what you want to create.”– Laura Munson
The Haven Writing Retreat is a five day, deep dive into self-expression, storytelling, and sharing your voice. It meets you where you need to be met, whether you want to write and publish a book, or simply seek a deeper level of authentic self-expression.
Meeting you where you need to be met
Some of my Haven participants are working on a project— a book, an essay, a short story, you name it. Some haven’t written since school days. Some have given everything to their careers or family and it’s time to write for themselves. Others simply want to learn to powerfully and authentically express themselves, using the written word, either in their careers or inter-personal relationships. It doesn’t matter where you are in your creative journey. Again: Haven meets you where you need to be met. That is my full commitment. The program holds you. I hold the program. And the ranch staff holds me. It’s a beautiful and powerful symbiosis.
Enter into the world of possibility
The one thing we have in common in all of my Haven programs, is this: we are seekers. We are willing to put our hearts in our hands, to step outside of good/bad/right/wrong and the big one: perfection…and into the world of possibility. I fiercely believe that writing should be up there with diet and exercise as a transformational tool in the realm of preventative wellness…whether or not it adds up to a published work. In my Haven programs, I’ve seen lifelong friendships forged, books published, old wounds heal, voices finally expressed and heard and honored. It’s a lot more than five days in Montana. It just might be the life-changer you are yearning for, and have been, for way…too…long.
Haven includes the following:
Intimate and diverse groups of 7-8 people
Daily all-morning class, dedicated to carefully breaking down the writing process, and inspiring radical craft and voice breakthroughs, using Laura’s method of Teaching from the Inside Out
Afternoon free time with optional writing prompts
One-on-one coaching session with Laura
Evening workshop, readings, feedback, all carefully guided by Laura
Optional afternoon activities: Equine-assisted learning, yoga, hiking.
Optional Editorial packages of up to 30 pages of material for Laura’s eagle-eye review (submitted one month prior)
A stand alone writing program
The Haven Writing Retreat is a stand-alone program and there’s never any pressure to do the subsequent Haven programs. That said, many people sign up for Haven because they want to be part of the dynamic Haven alum community, and even more, they are interested in working with the continuing Haven programs. Many alums also opt to do Haven I over again.
Once you complete Haven Writing Retreat, you become of part of:
The whole global Haven community with doors opening to greater opportunities and lifelong friendships.
A private online Haven alum community with writing prompts, open forums, shared articles, and high-quality networking with like-minded writers and published authors.
A highly acclaimed affiliation with personalized publishing-world networking.
Laura Munson
is the author of the New York Times and international bestselling memoir "This Is Not The Story You Think It Is." Her work has been published in the New York Times, the New York Times Magazine, O. Magazine, The Week, Huffington Post, Redbook, Woman’s Day, Good Housekeeping, More Magazine, The Sun, and others. She has appeared on Good Morning America, The Early Show, NPR, Hay House radio, and many other media venues.
"For anyone thinking about a writing retreat, I cannot recommend Laura/Haven enough. I initially balked hard at both the idea of a retreat (no guitar circles for me) and the cost (I'm a writer for crap's sake, if it costs over $100 it usually doesn't happen) but I took a leap on Haven after speaking on the phone with Laura and it is the single best investment I have ever, EVER made into myself or my writing. Yes, it took me months to pay off. Yes, it seemed self-indulgent to everyone around me. And it was worth every penny. And it was the first time in my adult life that I've truly felt like I was doing what I was meant to do, creating what I was meant to create. And it got my a** in gear and helped me work out a sellable manuscript. So for all of you asking about retreats, etc., just go to Haven/Montana. It's magical."
— Brooke Siem, author and Food Network’s Chopped champion"Laura Munson was a master at bringing out my voice, and the voices of all my fellow writers. Her retreat was one of the most empowering experiences of my life. I learned about writing, but I also learned about myself in ways that were unexpected. In addition, we all formed an amazing bond with each other! The totality of the place, the people, the work and the food was priceless."
–Wendy Hill Vero Beach, FL
"Laura Munson transformed my attitude toward writing – from thinking that no one would be interested in my story to feeling rejuvenated with confidence and desire to complete it. The peaceful setting and five days of sharing with the other incredibly different yet like-minded and funny women filled me with inspiration and motivation, and gifted me with 9 new friends of the heart and written word."
— Christie Schmitt Coombs Abington, MA
Grateful For Gathering
September 30th, 2021
It’s been two years since I’ve led my Haven Writing Retreats live in Montana and this month I led two back-to-back.
I was deliriously happy. I sort of expected that happiness, but not to be so totally stunned by how hungry I was to gather again and in this profound way. To be with true word wanderers again. Seekers who long for their self-expression, especially after so much isolation and physical distance. Mask wearing isn’t Montana law right now, so it was at each attendee’s discretion, and we did our best to be Covid correct in our protocol. All that said, what I saw were eight people who were truly and deeply grateful for everything. Haven attracts kind people who are emotionally responsible adults, who tend to run on the grateful side of things. But there was a new sort of gratitude that I felt from these groups. Gratitude for things like the angle of light coming through a window. Fresh air flowing through the classroom. The way the stones are stacked around the fire pit. The way the geese were practicing their migration patterns on the lake. Yes, they were grateful for the writing lessons and workshopping, the nutritious food made with so much love, the cozy nooks and expansive walking paths— all of the usual wonder of the Dancing Spirit Ranch and all that is the Haven Writing Retreat. But there was a core connection to receiving what was given to them by everything around them…and they said yes and thank you with such ease and open hearts. It was a true wonder to behold. In the spirit of that wonder, and that courage, I want to share with you the letter that I read to each group on the first night after dinner and before we retire. May it inspire your own wonder, gratitude, and courage to open your heart to your own dreams, whatever they may be.
The Writing Retreat
Haven teaches you how to write in the way that only you can.
Haven Writing Retreats and Workshops are designed to create an intimate community and supportive — often lifelong relationships. Space fills up fast so please schedule your introductory phone call with Laura to see if Haven I is a good fit for you.