Join David Gandelman for
Montana Retreat: Mastering Spirituality & Leadership
July 30th - August 5th, 2022
Join world-renowned spiritual teacher and author David Gandelman on a 7-day small group retreat to master your spiritual awareness and confidence as a leader, healer, teacher, coach, content creator, or entrepreneur.
Are You Ready?
Are you craving a tranquil space to heal and realign with your heart?
Are you ready to shift your energy?
Would you like to be around a group of powerful leaders and creators, working on your own projects with an abundance of space and inspiration?
Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level with a grounded, conscious focus?
Then come sit with us in the healing mountains of Northwest Montana!
What to Expect
When you come on the retreat, expect to let go of the responsibilities of your everyday life, and create space for yourself to dive deep into your meditation practice.
A retreat is what you make it, and if you want to spend the entire retreat in silence meditating, you are welcome to. If you want to make life-long friends, interact, and have a hands on experience, you are welcome to do that.
However you decide to approach the retreat, you can be sure to find a safe space to explore your innermost being, be comfortable, eat well, and take a step towards awakening your spiritual potential.
Hey Friends,
We are going back to one of the most beautiful spots in the United States, Whitefish, Montana!
I can say with confidence that this is the most beautiful retreat center I've ever used, and it is completely sold out every year, so we are super fortunate to be bringing a group back here.
This small group retreat will be focused on helping you develop your spiritual awareness and confidence as a leader, healer, teacher, coach, content creator, or entrepreneur.
The best part for me with these retreats is not just the inner work , that of course will be profound, but the network and connections that happen. You may make some new best friends for life.
Whether you are an aspiring leader in some form or it's your career, this retreat will help you ground your energy for 7 days, into who you are truly meant to become in this lifetime.
We will be right outside Glacier National Park at the Dancing Spirit Ranch, where we will be meditating, doing some light yoga, eating phenomenal food, relaxing, hiking, working on our individual projects, and learning to enjoy life again.
*There will even be special audio and video gear on this retreat with an incredible background for anyone who wants to spend some time creating content.
This retreat is for nature lovers. We will be connecting with the land, soaking in the summer sun, and lightly hiking the property and the national park.
David Gandelman
is a spiritual teacher, author, and guide, whose mission is to awaken souls on their path of growing into being human, and living an enlightened, purpose-driven life.
He is the founder of the Meditation School app, and host of the Meditation School, Energy Matters, and Grounded Sleep podcasts. And his meditations have been streamed millions of times. He has taught at Cornell University, NBC Universal, SAP, and numerous other organizations.
David holds a B.A. in Western philosophy from Rutgers University, which combined with his studies in Eastern spiritual traditions living in the Himalayas, as well as his experience as the director of a school for intuitive development and mysticism in Hawaii, informs a teaching style that connects energetic experience, ancient wisdom traditions, and humor in order to create a safe atmosphere for people interested in learning to meditate and develop into their potential.
What’s Included:
Teachings from David
Cooking Class
Painting Class
Farm to Table meals
Rustic Accommodations
All transportation
“David Gandelman’s Grounded Mind Program has made learning to meditate easy and accessible. Honestly, I can’t believe how quickly I was able to see progress – in my ability to calm my brain as well as my ability to handle stress. I have become a meditator after only four months of this one year program, and I look forward to my next meditation each week.”
Got questions? Email David.
Ready to sign up? Click the button above to learn more about the available rooms.