The Knowing Within Montana Retreat
Join us April 27-30, 2018 in the mountains of Montana
The Knowing Within Montana Retreat
The Theme for this beautiful Retreat is
By The Light of the Full Pink Moon
We will be Grounding and Working with the land of the strength of All that she Be
A New book will be introduced
The Two Sisters
Which will hold The Light of the Full Pink Moon
The Knowing Within Retreats, have a life of their own and as you
and others come forth, so much more will be revealed.
Share with those you love
Bring a friend
Its time
Julia will have a super special gift for the Both of you
Know will Both Be...Surprised!
Blessings of the life we all have and continue to Be,
Julia Carmen
Julia Carmen was born with a gift of a Curandera de Alma (Seer of the Soul). Her gift of being able to see a person's true soul self has guided clients to quiet themselves to hear their own true divine soul self.
I have known that I am a Curandera all of my life. I didn’t do much about it. However, I would sometimes see things that I didn’t want to see. Not bad things, just things attached to people about their lives. I used it as intuition. But really, I didn’t know what to do with it. Seeing dead people? Hearing voices? Seeing stuff attached to people? What am I supposed to do with this gift that everyone says I have? What sets me apart from all the other Curanderas’? I was tormented by this lack of direction.
So I asked “my people,” that’s what I call them, I said: “What the “bleep” am I supposed to be doing?”
A week later I had a dream/vision and I was afraid. I didn’tknow what it meant, but I knew something was going to change. And I was scared because I sensed the strong energies of “these people” in my room before I even entered this dream/vision.
I asked my friend - what do I do with this? “Sit down with these people, ”she told me. “Let them channel through you.” I did this but kept their message to myself (since early 90's). Several years ago, my people told me to share my dream/vision with a group of women. I did so and every woman in the room started crying. It was then that I realized this information must go beyond that one group of women and out to all women, and through them, to all men.